The research facility Rigaku «R-AXIS RAPID II»
The only in Russia small and macromolecule single crystal structure analysis system equipped with a rotating anode X-ray source (flux 8×1010 phot/mm²/с) and a curved imaging plate detector allowing collecting high-quality data from weakly diffracting and disordered crystals;
Technical charachteristics:
- Microfocused X-ray generator MicroMax™-007 HF with rotating (Co or Mo) source;
- Power of X-ray sources: 1.2 kW;
Detector: Cylindrical IP with vertical translation axis and 2θ range of 204o;
- Radius: 127.4 mm
- Readout time: 51 sec
- Erase time: 20 sec
- Sensitivity: 2 ADU/X-ray photon
3-axis goniometer
- ω axis: -85° to 265° 0.002° /step
- χ axis: -15° to 55° 0.0002° /step
- φ axis: 360° 0.002° /step
- Conofocal X-ray optics VariMax™
- Camera: 1/3" camera for sample alignment and observation; 70X magnification color image displayed on host computer
- Low-temperature Oxford Cryostream system with temperature range 80-500 K.
CrystalClear™ automated measurement/processing software; Software for face indexing using CCD video camera; TwinSolve twinned crystal integration software; CrystalStructure™ single-crystal structure solution refinement and reporting suite.
Information from the manufacturer:
The Vasilyevsky Island training and research Complex of SPbSUBack to equipment list